• More Scoliosis News!!

    October 6, 2016
  • Dr. Shelton just completed a course in the Italian Method (SEAS) for Scoliosis Rehabilitation! 

    SEAS stands for: Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis.  This approach differs from the Schroth method.  Initially it focuses on simple self-corrections.  As time goes on, the complexity of the posture shifts is increased and applied to movements of daily life.  While different, the SEAS approach compliments and adds to the Schroth Method. Read more about SEAS in this article from the Scoliosis Journal.

    This new certification has deepened Dr. Shelton’s understanding of postural realignment and scoliosis care.  He is part of only the second group of US physical therapists to have the opportunity to take the rarely offered Italian SEAS approach to scoliosis care.  He is committed to learning the best that his field has to offer in order to provide his patients the care they need!

    The course was hosted by Avanti Therapy, located in beautiful Boulder CO.